360° Communication
VUCX began working for Auping when the Dutch bed maker entered the German market in 2013. At the time, our brief focused on establishing Auping on the German market; today we design and coordinate cross-media campaigns aimed at building brand loyalty and gaining new customers.

Your bed is so much more than just a place to sleep. Auping – with love.

Public Relations
Press and Public Relations, Editing, Events and Sponsoring
A well-rounded story: VUCX brings Auping’s message to the right media. Following a PR analysis, we plan strategies and campaigns, manage the press mailing list, deliver copy and imagery to the media and facilitate exchange by holding press conferences – aided by our valuable press contacts.
#Powernapper – Online Campaign
At the Cologne fashion event "le bloc" VUCX launched an online campaign to activate new design-oriented target groups for the brand. The center of the campaign was a stand with an Auping bed as scenery and various give-aways, which should encourage visitors to participate in a raffle. To take part, a photo with the hashtag #powernapper had to be posted on social media channels.

Google AdWords Display Campaign

Our sales campaigns combine all our marketing activities: we implement multiple cross-media projects every year involving both retailers and customers. Our focus is mostly on printed materials that appear at points of sale, in high-reach media and out-of-home advertising. Online assets and videos for use online, on TV and in cinemas add to the impact of each campaign.
Anniversary campaign - Five years Auping Plaza Berlin

Spring campaign for box spring beds 2019